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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

What I really need is RSS feeds... for everything

One of the drawbacks of using Blogger, is that they've hitched their wagon to Atom for xml feeds, while the rest of the world is loving RSS.

So, submitting my blog updates to RSS-based directories, is a problem. Some of them have Atom->RSS converters, but even so, the Atom feeds on my blogs seem to be non-functional. I may be doing something wrong, but this shouldn't have to be difficult.

So, I need to develop my own RSS feeds. And I will. I just need to do it -- and that takes time. I'm debating whether to go with a plain ole xml text file that I update by hand, or whether to create a modification of's RSS-generation so I can do it all on the web. I'll likely go with the latter, if I use my own mechanism. I need to create that application, anyway. It's another potential money-maker, as I plan to have it be ad-supported with Google AdSense. Then again, if there are RSS-makers out there on the web already that I can use (like, why reinvent the wheel? Why indeed?

Before I get to that next step, though, I need to focus on Fuel.

But before I get to that, I need a nap. All this exuberance can be taxing.


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