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Monday, December 26, 2005

One of the nice things about having a whole lot to do...

... is doing it, each and every day.

I've come across a lot of folks over the years (myself included), who start things and then get distracted and wander off to do other things. So, the things they start(ed) fall by the wayside, and they don't make the progress they were hoping for. Then, when New Year's comes around again, they ask themselves why, oh why, they didn't get everything done that they wanted to.

Like I said, I'm included in that bunch o' folks.

In his Master Key System, Charles F. Haanel talks about the importance of just keeping going. "The only way to keep from going backward is to keep going forward. Eternal vigilance is the price of success." So he says. Hear, hear! It's absolutely the truth, and the times when I've found myself lagging, it hasn't been from having too much to do, and having too much challenge in my life -- it's from having not enough challenge, and not quite enough to keep me fully engaged and occupied.

Having plenty to do, over the course of time, is critical for me. So, when I look at the roster of things I've got going on, and I wonder if I'll be able to get them all done, I have to honestly say, "Yes, I am going to get them all done. Perhaps not tomorrow, perhaps not next week, but I am going to do all of this -- and more that I haven't even thought of yet."

It's not that I'm an overachiever. I just like to look back on my year, and have some tangible proof that I've actually done something with myself. This is one of those years. And next year will be another.

So be it.


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