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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The first duty of a publisher is to remain solvent

The last of the publishing mavericks - Books - Times Online:
Ernest Hecht, the proprietor, right, has two favourite sayings. One, borrowed from the late Sir Stanley Unwin (of Allen & Unwin), is that “the first duty of a publisher is to remain solvent”. The second is that “you cannot run a publishing company like this by committee”. He has observed them for 55 years, outlasting every other independent publishing entrepreneur in London.

Amen to that. Just had to capture it here for future reference. It's imperative that publishers remain solvent, and that goes for indie publishers, too. It's awfully difficult to be true to your voice and vision, if you can't afford the paper or postage or computer to get them out there. Commercialism is one thing; commercial viability, which ensures one's very survival, is another. I do believe the two can co-exist. But it's a fine line.


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