Print - Electronic - Audio Publishing On Demand -- Using a full spectrum of widely available technologies to publish, create buzz, catch people's attention, and build up an audience for your work, whether it's written, spoken, or performed.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Keeping coherent

"Coherent" is not just about seeming sane. It's about being consistent and on-topic. If there's one great stumbling block that appears in front of me, time and again, it's incoherence --- as in, divided interests, conflicting priorities, etc. Getting pulled off in different directions by different initiatives. With everything that goes on in this brain -- and the fact that I can see everything plain as day, from concept to finish , and I sorely want to "have at it" to make it so -- I'm surprised I get anything done.

A cornucopia of ideas and the ability to make them ALL happen, is both a blessing and a curse.

I really need a full staff.

But I don't have one (yet), so I've got to make do on my own. In a way, this PEAPOD mix is a way for me to stay on-topic with my work... it lets me explore different aspects of a single idea, so that I'm able to have variety, as well as consistency. And if I do it right, there's coherence, as well.

It's kind of an ADHD approach to things -- and rather than taking ritalin to suppress the urges, I've developed a highly effective way to harness that energy and get a whole lot done in the process.

I think about all the kids on ritalin, and it saddens me. If they were only taught how to harness that energy and make it work for them, they'd be the saving grace of this planet. They have the energy and the drive to get a whole lot done -- if they have the proper tools and mindset -- and a whole lot NEEDS to be done. What a waste, that those who don't have their skills and drive and energy have them on drugs to keep them in line.

Such a waste.

But I'm not here to bemoan the prescription of mind-deadening drugs to our planet's greatest hope (that's another topic for another blog). I'm here to talk about coherence. As in, having the same links to the same projects on different websites and blogs. As in, tying everything together and seeing connections between different initiatives, and cross-referencing them for mutual support. It's almost like multi-culturalism on a micro scale. It's seeinig the diversity and strength in each different aspect of my work, and calling out the ways in which each aspect is unique and also contributes to the other initiatives. It's seeing connections, and NOT insisting that I tone down my efforts and make them consistent in content. It's about seeing synergies (much as I hate to use that word) and making the most of them, so that the energy behind this initiative is coherent on a macro scale.

It's about seeing that this PEAPOD Mix is indeed NOT about only Print and Electronic and Audio -- it's about Publishing On Demand. It's about the combination of the different media for a common purpose -- Publishing. And it's "leveraging synergies to maximize exposure" (much as the expression makes my plain-spoken side cringe), or cross-referencing the different activities to highlight different aspects and promote the whole initiative in the process.

Long live ADHD. Put down the ritalin and start planning your multimedia initiative today!


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